pub. on mar 26, 2008
Spring Sims 2 Photo/Art Contest is currently hosting its First Sims 2 Photo/Art Contest. And yes, I am inviting you guys to join. ;) Current Theme: Concept of Spring For Rules and Guidelines, kindly refer here: Prize: Something you wouldn’t want to miss, if you love working on Sims 2 Photos/or Art. [Hints: Custom Poses, Still To be Released, Machinima Director] Deadline of Submission: April 10, 2008 Kindly read on the rules and guidelines. Above photo is an example. I am looking forward to your entries, guys. And good luck! :) Tools of the Trade: WTablet G4, PCS2, PI 11 Sim Models: Harb and Ash
The Sims 2/EA/Maxis, Jason Gaylor Galleries, Rose, Peggy, Parsimonious, Exnem TSR: Aikea Guinea, Gelydh, Cyclonesue, Shakeshaft, SimsAddict99, Cat3cm, Misc.
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