pub. on ott 07, 2009
[We like to play you see]
"It's a lot like life And that's what's appealing If you despise that throwaway feeling From disposable fun Then this is the one" ♪ Master and Servant ~ Depeche Mode [ May I present to you : Belial? Violentdoll created Belial (whom I usually call Liza, he doesn’t mind drag names or so I heard) , actually I have not the slightest idea of what he does in the Sim’s Underworld, but I really do not want to know or even guess. Well, whatever he does he usually likes to make sure he looks dashing while doing it. And this would be March on my never ending calendar.]
{Sim by violentdoll ( , Please check the end of my LJ profile ( for credit's list, thanks Magg (queen of gruesome stuff) for the heart's stock }
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