Greetings all,
It has been a spectacular contest, and I think everybody visiting the group can agree on the fantastic quality of the work.
The judges had a really hard time to make their choice and some of those choices were really painful, because it meant neglecting some other worthy entries.
But at the end three picture had to come out on top .. and here they are :
Third Place (winner of 2000L) :
Dawn in Winerfell Ebonshire, by
KoroCarnell Second Place (winner of 3000L) :
Toxic Angel Designs at Winterfell Anodyne, by
Blondie Uriza First Place,
winner of the contest (and winner of 5000L) :
Winterfell Amaranthine, by
rudyn Carter Please, the winners contact Miss
Serra Anansi in Second Life to get their prize
The contest is now closed
Winners will be announced on Jan 3rd at the January Winterfell Campfire Chat 12:00/noon SLT at the Winterfell Library (
Welcome to the
Winter Fell photo contest group
The contest is about capturing the beauty of the winter season
in the snow covered region of Winterfell. Winter Landscapes, Winter decorations, Christmas Trees, Winter costumes and generally everything that can be related to the Winter and the Holiday Season,
if captured in Winterfell, is eligible.
In order to take part in the competition you will need to do the following:
* Join the "Winter Fell" GROUP at (this page ;) )
Visit Winterfell between December 1st and December 31st and take photos of things you find that are related to the Winter and Holiday Season * Add your images to the pool, limit three per person.
* Each image's name must include the sim name where it was taken (one of the
Winterfell sims ) (see the full list of the eligible sims
* The Judges
Klaus Wulfenbach,
Saffia Widdershins,
Serra Anansi and
Uni Ninetails will review the collection of images between Jan 1st and Jan 2nd.
* Winners will be announced on Jan 3rd at the January Winterfell Campfire Chat
12:00/noon SLT at the
Winterfell Library * Prizes are as follows
o 1st place - L$5000
o 2nd place - L$3000
o 3rd place - L$2000
* In addition to the prize money, winners will be announced on the Winterfell NING, on the Primgraph blog and on the Koinup blog.
* Please note that any unseemly images will be removed from the contest at any time with out warning as deemed appropriate by the judges.