Metaplace Details!

Hey everyone, we're excited to have you all in Metaplace!

The venue we've created for the event is here.  It's a swanky Asian themed club that we think you guys will like.  :)  We're still putting finishing touches on it, but it will be ready by the event day.

Metaplace Rocking The Metaverse Tour Stop
Tuesday, June 2nd 1:00pm Pacific (SLT)
Artists: GraceMcDunnough, Slim Warrior, Dizzy Banjo, DJ Doubledown Tandino

We will have a couple levels of user roles for this event.  We can grant people Event Coordinator access, which will let them add/remove musicans, control the lights, change the stream, etc.  We also have Musician Access, which lets you control the lights and change the mp3 stream.  Then there is regular attendee access, which allows you access to watch the event but no control of anything.  I'll be there to make sure everyone has the correct level of access. :)

For Musicians:

Once we grant you performer access you'll be able to set your stream URL by clicking on either the guitar (if you're someone like Grace) or the DJ booth (if you're a DJ type) and you can input your mp3 stream right in there. 

For Coordinators:

Once we add you as a coordinator, you can add people as musicians just by clicking on them.  There will also be a board that you can click on to control the lights during the show if you want.

For Attendees:

To register, go to

To customize your avatar after you register, head to the New You shop in Metaplace Central.  If you register and go through the new user flow it should prompt you to customize your avatar anyway, but in case you want to change your look that is how you do it.

You can applaud in between songs by clickin on the pair of hands in the lower right corner.  Please refrain from doing this during the song. :)  

If anyone has any questions - email me at

See you there!

View Cuppycake's home Cuppycake | 15 year(s) ago

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