"Powered by real life" is a Twinity Machinima Contest –
supported by Koinup and Bitfilm, with the cooperation of
Start to get familiar with this world! The
1st theme of the contest is "HUMOUR". You're invited to inflate your video with a bit of humour!
Remember: Virtual Life is a bit more easy and humourous of the real one.
The 2nd theme of the contest is "POWERED BY REAL LIFE". Twinity is a virtual world that mashes virtual and real. Twinity is not about escaping from reality but it is more about empower it. Think to something real happening to your life, turn it in something humourous and film the scenes in Twinity!
The contest is about filming machinima in Twinity and post the videos on this group pool.
The video has to be "
city related". You can set in Virtual Berlin and/or Virtual Singapore
# You can read all the rules in threads and introduction
Along with the Contest, there will be a series of Workshops, Events inworld, supported by the Twinity staff, with the cooperation of
#Virtual Berlin and Virtual Singapore are two main towns re-created in Twinity