About Hair to There
In Second Life, I'm what I like to call a "coiffurista," someone who has to have the latest, finest (and often wildest) hairstyles created by the best prim arrangers on the Grid. Take a look a some of what I'm gonna throw into this group, and you'll see what I mean! But the more normal styles are excellent as well. After all, you can't really go hopping grunge clubs in a Fifties bouffant, now, can you...?
This group is for examples of hair you like from the virtual worlds open to membership (Second Life, The Sims, WoW, OpenSim, Lively and vSide). Please keep the pictures PG (or a tasteful nude at best; admin's discretion rules on all questions and is final). Men, you can show off, too! It's just that us ladies have it so much finer (grin).