Forum to discuss, Q&A about the competition!
pier | 15 year(s) ago
what is the size should be?
Kitusha | 15 year(s) ago
for the size, feel free to make what you want..just, I invite you to make at least more than 400x400pxl!
I am new to this, so please excuse me if the answer is obvious, but how exactly do I submit my photo. I have a photo I have taken in Second Life that is currently in my Second Life inventory. I don't see any instructions for how to submit photos, so if the instructions are already there, you could just tell me where. Thank you.
KKips | 15 year(s) ago
Thanks for your fast response... ok, so far so good, i checked out the upload page you showed me and saw it looked like i had to save my Second Life photo to my local disc first. When i did that my only file format choice was tga and i see that is not on the list of formats i can upload to Koinup. How do i change the format?
KKips, in order to post submit your entry you have to join the group and then click on "add" in the group page. Select your entry in the pool and then add. Let us know if you will have some issues
Change the format in any image program you have on your computer.All pics from SL goes to your pc in TGA fomat when you down load them.
ZigadenaGabardini | 15 year(s) ago
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