[additional edit: Code only gets eaten in slideshow mode, make sure you check list for something more accurate.] [edit: Okies code gets eaten in the captions. If you can read what this says from the images please checkout my site which has everything in a readable format] Well after the recent blog post I did on my Jira posts, Dedric Mauric pointed out about editing the xml to achieve what I was wanting with the Email addresses on the snapshot menu. Mainly that would be a) default to your sign-up address and b) multiple entries. The Jira post for this is VWR-12822. As you can see Dedric points out that… Talia, I’ve been doing this myself for a few years. In the email address, type in multiple addresses separated by a semicolon. In fact, I even modified my skin XUI files (floater_postcard.xml) to automatically populate this for me since I always post to the same addresses - pics@slbuzz.com;pics@slpics.com;pics@bloghud.com Now I get exactly what he is talking about there but from teaching people the accuracy tricks for the client I am guessing that most people don’t get the later part of that.
Credits Talia Tokugawa, Dedric Mauriac for pointing this out :)
OH THIS LOOKS TO SAVE ME TIME WHICH I LIKEY LOTS! Better than the PhraseExpress macro I have... !
Torley | 15 year(s) ago
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