pub. on mar 31, 2022 Second LifeWallpapers - Backgrounds - Pictures Driving Under the Influence 3
MeganOspanky's works
Driving Under the Influence 3
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A little later, Iamso pushed Ivor into a jail cell without bothering to process him. That’s when the dark skinned officer began to strip while telling me to pull the back of my dress up and bend over. I did as I was told and gripped the bars of the jail cell while Ivor began to freak out. I hurriedly tried to explain the deal I had made to get him out of this situation without having his driving record fucked up. Basically, I was the one who was going to get fucked to get my husband unfucked. I hadn’t quite gotten through all of the relevant details before Iamso was forcing his big ‘night-stick’ up inside me. It took me a lot longer to finish explaining the deal because that huge tool was VERY distracting. Ivor looked like he was ready to rip his hair out. Meanwhile, the policeman just ignored him and kept plowing me from behind. It took 20 minutes for Iamso to finish inside me and by then Ivor was sitting on the jail cell bed staring at me in horror but that didn’t mean Iamso was done with me. When he pulled his still half hard thickness out of me he started getting dressed. I quickly fixed my dress and waited Ivor’s jail cell door, assuming that he was going to free my husband any second now. Nope! Iamso grabbed my wrist and told Ivor to relax and that we’d back in the morning before the shift arrived. Then he took me to his apartment and, well, neither of us got any sleep that night. After that night Ivor looked at me funny but never said anything about what I had done to get him out of that situation. Since he didn’t want to talk about it then I didn’t feel the urge to inform him about my need to speed past a certain police officer’s speed trap about once a week.

me, Ivor Rident, Iamso Ordinary


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