pub. on mar 31, 2022 Second LifeWallpapers - Backgrounds - Pictures Driving Under the Influence 2
MeganOspanky's works
Driving Under the Influence 2
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When the officer approached the driver side window Ivor was doing his best impersonation of a saint. Not that it did any good. When the officer leaned in to look around inside the car, a standard procedure, he must have caught a whiff of the alcohol fumes rolling off Ivor and I. Immediately, he asked my hubby to exit the car and had him blowing into a breath-a-lizer. Short story even shorter, Ivor ended up in the back of the policeman’s care. I wasn’t in trouble because I wasn’t the one driving but that didn’t mean I could drive the care home either. So, when the officer approached me about calling a cab for me I totally ignored the offer and made one of my own. I turned my flirt mode on to max level and promised the police officer a good time if he let my husband off with a warning. The police officer, I later learned his name was Iamso, didn’t even blink at my offer. He just told me to prove it right then and there. That’s when I got to do my own breath-a-lizer test except it last a hell of lot longer than my husband’s test had lasted. And what I was ‘blowing’ was way bigger than the machine Ivor had used. God, he was huge!

me, Ivor Rident, Iamso Ordinary


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