pub. on lug 28, 2008
World of Warcraft Screenshot Tutorial
A lot of people have asked me how to remove the hud ect for a screenshot so here's a basic tutorial ;) There is no day/night editor .... World of Warcraft runs on a day / night cycle pretty much in keeping with real life .... So when you play wow at night it is night in the game .... same with day, sunset, sunrise ect. So the only way to change the shots for different lighting is to play at different times of the day ;) No tools are needed for taking screenshots within wow ...... The Hud ect can be removed for the shot.Pressing alt & Z at the same time will remove the hud and pressed again will restore it ;) Screenshots are taken by pressing Prt Scrn (Print Screen) and are then saved in a folder named screenshots within the games install folder,you will normally find the folder here - C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Screenshots. So basically you can determine your screenshot lighting by what time of day / night you play. Press Alt & Z together to hide the hud. Arrange and line up your camera for the shot.Remember you can zoom right in to 1st person view to take a landscape shot without your avatar in the way. Then press Prt Scrn (Print Screen) on your keyboard. Your screenshot is now saved in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Screenshots. Press Alt & Z together to restore your hud as you left it ;) Hope this helps and I look forward to seeing your screenshots ;)
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