pub. on mar 15, 2014
Cami by Devae. (Ruina Kessel) Horns by Plastik (Aikea Reiko) [@ We<3RP] Exile (Kavar Cleanslate) [@ The Arcade] Piercing by :ellabella:. (ellantha Larsson) Eyes by Dead Apples (Soleil Reid) Tattoos by ~silentsparrow~ (hyasynth Tiramisu) Skirt by Tres Blah (Julliette Westerburg) Hands by SLink (Siddean Munro) Nail Polish Applier by Hello Dave (Maia Gasparini) Bracelets by League (Nena Janus) Feet by [europa] (Kazuhiro Aridian) [modded] Pose by Marukin (valencia.southard) Skin by me (in the works)
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