I'm Female.
I am the founder of Not Possible IRL (NPIRL) and Impossible IRL (ImpIRL), two groups that are dedicated to identifying and sharing well conceived and realized content creation in Virtual Worlds which would not be possible in Real Life: architecture, landscaping, art, animations, fashion, particle effects, building tools and scripts...
Show me, I'll show you.
* My blog: http://npirl.blogspot.com - A central goal for us is to collect and distill what's really happening out there and pare down your options to the essence of what's cool, trendsetting and even groundbreaking, always within the context of Not Possible IRL.
Also on:
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/bettinatizzy
* Facebook: Bettina Tizzy
* Flickr: Bettina Tizzy
* blip.tv: http://bettinatizzy.blip.tv/
* YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Bettinatizzy
* Email: bettinatizzy@gmail.com
My Second Life home is Chakryn Forest. Teleport directly from here.