pub. on giu 17, 2008
Mirror Mirror On The Wall ...
Image shot originaly on AMS Photostage Picture postprocessed applying tonemapping and curvecompression in Dynamic Photo - HDR, producing several tonal variants (one UC-ML2 and UC-ORBW). Overlay of tonal variants in PS and blending in order to achieve better colour and contrast. Smoothing and repairing of rough edges using liquify and smudge tool. Addition of 3% gaussian noise. -> published as profile picture for Yashi Picture reprocessed in FilterForge - Button filter + Horizontal swap Image saved with appropriate alpha layer in TGA-format Upload of TGA in SL and usage of texture on wall -> rezzed at Yashi's home Model with back to camera, facing mirror image. Positioning of extra light to add realistic shadows. Picture shot at 3364 resolution, smoothed and repaired using smudge and liquify. Cropped. Last run through Filterforge - Foxey Moody Shadow filter and added name on separate layer. Lost 2 hours of sleep in the process ... lol
Model: Yakira Kirax
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